Collective Contribution

Hello, friend. Recently, I finished my first year of coaching the Sandhills Highlanders Golf team. All the boys were class acts, and it was rewarding seeing how well they conducted themselves in competition and encouraged each other. Unlike typical junior varsity and varsity programs, this one included homeschooled players who

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Like a feather on a pond

A couple of weeks ago, I was discussing the John Carpenter masterpiece, Big Trouble in Little China. Even typing these words, I can feel the rolling eyes of my wife as she respects me a little less. What can I say? It excels on multiple levels. As a small homage

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Trouble in Monterey

“I thought I’d never make it out of there alive,” Jack continued. “I’d been in some rough spots, but that one… there was no recovery. No one would find me at the bottom of the Atlantic, alone with the clams and crabs.” “Oh, no!” Charlie gasped. “Remember what

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Improve the average

Hey, friend. We’re in the middle of golf season for the JV and Varsity golf teams I coach. One fundamental aspect of playing better is learning the “law of the average shot.” Like “the inch-worm” principal I’ve co-oped for business from Jared Tendler, I do the same with

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