Supportive not vicarious

Hey, friend.

I’m back from summer break. Look forward to catching up more soon. How are you? What’s been your biggest highlight over the last couple of months?

I’ve had one I’ll mention in a moment, but first a confession. There hasn’t been much of a break. The boys were active all summer, joining the cross country team as well as attending a few camps. Sherry’s new role with our homeschool co-op was an adjustment, and Calm Capital is in a refining season.

Where to start?

Joshua and Matthew competed in their first cross county race yesterday. Both boys finished in the top half of their divisions. More importantly, they’re improving. At the start of summer workouts, they couldn’t maintain a run for more than a mile. It’s been a joy to observe them gain confidence and build discipline. For me and Sherry, I’m reminded of this highlight from performance coach Dr. Rob Bell:

Parents, we need to be their greatest supportive coach. It is our job to be the coach that we always wanted. Our actions shape their beliefs. We are the greatest influence on our children’s lives and in their development, stability, attitudes, likes, and dislikes. Children watch everything we do and learn by modeling behaviors and beliefs about ourselves. Everything a parent does either reinforces a child’s confidence or discredits their self-esteem. We shape their identities. Let’s do it right.

Calm Capital is humming along with an emphasis on growing our jury management software business and Honestly. To make the biggest impact we can, Marty continues serving as President of JSI. I’m engaging in special projects, like selling Wavve, and Allison is leading Honestly.

On a relate note, I’ll be publishing more “businessy” writing on the Calm Capital website via our L2L newsletter and blog.

Seen, heard, or read anything interesting? Anything you’re digging right now?

  • One highlight for me this summer was the opportunity to play golf in Scotland. I may write more publicly about the trip in the future. For now, enjoy this bit of folklore from my favorite course we visited: The legend behind Royal Dornoch logo.
  • As a child of the 80s and teen of the 90s, I enjoyed this episode about the story of MTV (Talk about a case study in marketing).
  • Enjoy this marvel of creation

Been great catching up.

Talk soon,

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