#79 The Collaborative Culture

Hello, friends.

Just capped off an “all boys” weekend with my sons while Sherry was at the beach with some friends getting some much earned and needed R&R.

What I’m Learning/Doing

A few years ago we ran an apprenticeship program. It was both rewarding and time consuming. Two of the folks who went through it work with Honestly today (Shannon and Darrien). However, I learned that the nature of Honestly’s business model is not conducive to an “mentoring” culture. We need people to jump into the deep end and swim — to produce. But that’s ok. That’s what our clients hire us to do, assemble experts and lead them to solve problems and take things off their plate.

So for this year, I’ve been learning how to better help the “Avengers” work together in a unified way. This effort serves the collaboration pillar of our culture. Here are two main areas I’m focused on:


  • Match the message with the right medium
  • When in doubt, pick up the phone and call someone
  • Be mindful of "time"


  • Say no if it’s not a good fit for the client and/or the team
  • Get into harmony with clients and collaborators


Honestly: We brought on a new part-time junior marketer last week. This coming week, we onboard a new client.

LOFT: We recently launched a new poweredbyloft.com website. Let me know what you think.

CrewPay: In addition to a few new customers who sign up, we also released a bulk uploader for inviting team members.

Pttrns: We’re running an ad experiment focused only for audiences using desktop devices to see if we can improve our conversion rates. The hypothesis is that even though more people use mobile devices to discover pttrns.com, desktop is where they’re “using” the app.

Until next time.


P.S. Fun Lego brand campaign (their first one in over 30 years): https://www.lego.com/en-us/campaigns/rebuild-the-world

P.P.S. Captivated by this artist’s mural: https://www.instagram.com/fintan_magee/

P.P.P.S. I like the idea of this app but not sure if it’s enough to change my behavior. We’ll see. https://newslettrs.app/ (you can use code PH2019 for the invite code if you’d like to try it)

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