#68 The Annual Theme
Hello, friends.
Welcome to the first NFTF of the year. I've seen dozens of "annual report" and "retrospective" posts in the last week so I will save you from having to read mine. That said, I encourage you look back on 2018 and ask yourselves:
- What went well in 2018?
- What didn't goes as well in 2018?
- What am I'm doing to improve for 2019?
I've found investing time to write down responses to these three things is valuable.
One other thing I do is develop themes for the year. These aren't goals. They're a beacon or a north star for the year. I've found themes are more flexible than specific goals. Too often, goals change or get accomplished without setting the next one. With themes, you can use them as a litmus test to guide decisions or goals throughout the year.
For me, I like to take a day or two away with my spouse so we can talk about the peaks and pits of the previous year and desires for the upcoming one. At the end, we'll come up with one to three themes. Our themes for 2019 are:
- Calm
- Adventure
- Win the Day
Try it out for yourself (and if you'd like to share or discuss, hit reply).
Until next time.
- David
P.S. If you care to hear me talk about my work, leading teams and collaboration, check out this podcast: iTunes or Spotify
P.P.S. Invites to CrewPay (our 1099 contractor payments app) start going out in a week. Learn more here.
P.P.P.S. This is a really well done ad (even if they're one of the few brands that could afford it): Famous Cars
P.P.P.P.S. For all the whiteboard lovers who work with remote teams: Realtime Board