#22 The product ownership
Hello, friends.
It's been a few weeks since our last chat. I hope you're doing well. Please let me know what exciting projects you've been working on.
On this end, the last few weeks have been full. We're building a mobile app and two enterprise websites. One of my design partners, Elliot, and I have a workshop on collaboration.
In addition, we launched a new product a week or so ago called BigBlueBinder. We're pretty happy with it but have to remember "launch is the beginning". It's now that we can start to learn if our assumptions building the app were true. Sure, we prototyped early, had alpha and beta users, and made some product decisions along the way that brought us to where we are now. However, it's now that matters.
Similar to the process of testing features, the next few months will be critical as marketing strives to get traction by running experiments and learning what channels get the best results for acquiring new customers.
This marks an interesting transition for the founders of the company. As the product gets in more users' hands it becomes less of the founder's product and more of theirs.
As a past founder myself, I remember feeling the loss of control once your product is in public. You spend months building something and it's all yours. But if you do it right, you're building it for your customers and when it launches, you must let it go. As a dad of young kids, I wonder if this is similar to the feeling parents have when their kids leave the home to become productive members of society?
Looks like we're out of time this week, but the next NFTF will be about stewarding the project trinity (budget, scope and timeline).
Until next time,
P.S. Really enjoyed this article about Mailchimp.
P.P.S. Watched this video about the music of the Marvel movies a couple times last week
P.P.P.S. I have the new Bad Suns record on repeat.