#144 The o.p.p. goal

Hello, friends.

Last week on The Mental Golf Show podcast, the coach of the number two ranked player in the world shared his thoughts on goal setting. Every coach I’ve spent time with, directly or indirectly, has a strong opinion when it comes to goals. Personally, I’ve been pretty goal-driven for as long as I can remember. It’s something my parents instilled in me at an early age.

And even though my goal systems have changed over the years, it’s hard for me to completely fall in line with having no goals at all.

In the last few years, I’ve refined my thinking further. Whether it’s a business goal to grow revenue or improve operations, or a personal goal to shoot lower scores or deepen my relationships — goals work best when they’re comprised of three layers.

  1. Outcome goals: What do you want to happen? You can’t control 100% of the outcome but to say outcomes aren’t important is foolish. Results matter.
  2. Performance goals: What is required to overcome inertia in order to get the outcome you want? Often overlooked, this layer is about setting the right expectations.
  3. Process goals: What actions do you need to take in order to perform at the right level. Developing the right habits and disciplines produces the best odds for success.

This layered approach is a result of many ongoing conversations with friends including Robert Linville and Jared Tendler, and content from performance folks including James Clear, Josh Nichols and others.

Mileage varies of course, but creating goals using these three layers has served me well.

Until next time,

P.S. In the market to buy or sell a business? Here’s a Good rule of thumb for valuation.

P.S.S. Cool e-comm concept from artist/creator Chris Hunt: Code of the West.

P.S.S.S. Fun website dedicated to the use of computers in film: Starring the Computer

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