Hindsight is a lie

Hey, friend.

I hope you're well. Feels like a lot has happened since we spoke last.

The boys are in their sixth week of school. We're trying a six-days-per-week for 30 weeks format this year. Saturday is their day off. So far, so good.

Marty and I are up to our ears in the jury management and court systems business. I'm amazed when diving into these niche industries at how nuanced and rich they are. The people, the language, and the dialog, the way business gets done and provides value to its customers — it's fascinating.

At the end of August, we took a business trip to Kansas to play a Perry Maxwell designed golf course called Prairie Dunes. Hand, horse, and mule built it in the 1920s. If you want to nerd out about the golf side of things, hit reply, and we'll talk. What I want to mention is how amazing our host member, Brandon, was. He was generous and joyful with his time, made us feel welcome, and helped us slow down enough to get the full experience of spending time on the property.

Hospitality is a skill and a gift. One I'm working to develop.

Seen, heard, or read anything interesting? Is there anything you’re digging right now?

  • Read this the other day and it stuck with me.
You should never look down the road not taken. Because that road never leads to where you think it should. - Nick Maggiulli

Looking back, we always have perfect hindsight. But it's not real. Who knows what decisions we would have made had we made different ones in the moment. I tend to struggle with this "one that got away" mentality every so often, usually when I'm going in to a time of planning. This year, I'm working to have more acceptance as we roll into goals and objectives for the next 6-18 months.

  • I can't believe it's been a year since my story from golf camp was published in The Golfer's Journal. If you'd like to read "What Happens at Golf Camp," go here.

Alright. It’s been great catching up.

Talk soon,

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