Fathering a Ranger

Hello, friends.

Nineteen years ago, Chris Laney took a chance on a failed pro-golfer and hired me to handle marketing for his Software Consultancy.

We're still close friends almost two decades later and several ventures later. I consider him a mentor.

Earlier this month, he released a novel he'd been working on for a while. Like many authors whose titles adorn the virtual shelves on Amazon.com, he carved out writing time between running a company and family obligations. But today. It's shipped. And I couldn't be more proud and happy for him.

Check out Flying Colors. 

How are things with you? Family well?

My oldest turned 13 a couple of weeks ago. We took a father/son trip to celebrate his birthday and the milestone.

In John Eldridge's book, Fathered By God, he talks about moving from "Boyhood" to the "Cowboy or Ranger" stage. Here a shift happens, and the boy yearns for real adventure.

I see that in Joshua. He's developing his work ethic and courage.

Seen, heard, or read anything interesting? Is there anything you're digging right now?

  • Nintendo Part 1 and Part 2 on The Acquired Podcast. It is a nice deep dive into the hundred-year-old company.  Did you know they had ties to the Yakuza?
  • Revisiting Creeper Lagoon. So. Good. Never gets old.
  • Stephen Wilson Jr. music: the devil & 1994: Year to Be Young. My friend Rob sent me a few of his songs, and man, what raw writing. Not my usual style, but his new EP is on repeat for me right now.

Alright. It’s been great catching up for now.

Talk soon.

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