Three things everyday
There are three things I do everyday for my business, regardless of what else is happening. These things are in my control and completely up to me to do or not do. These three things help me create company culture, set priorities, guide strategy, and develop discipline.
1. Grow/Create. It is a responsibility I take upon myself to create and grow daily so I can be more valuable to my clients, partners, and future customers.
2. Strengthen Relationships. I am convinced long-term success in business comes from good relationships. The currency of relationships is trust. They are hard and require tons of effort. Everyday I work to make deposits.
3. Dream. This sounds a little foo-foo but it’s not. The dreaming I am speaking of is specific and purposeful. I hope you ask about your business everyday, “Wouldn’t it be cool if…”
What are the things, maybe there are three, that you do everyday?