Rule #53: learn to connect before you pull
Learn to connect with your customers and prospects.
Learn to connect with your employees.
Learn to connect with your players.
Learn to connect with your team.
When you connect and it's sincere and authentic...
When you connect to them for them…
When you connect the "what" with the "why," you can pull.
Pulling wins. Pulling attracts. Pulling unifies.
Pushing loses. Pushing repels. Pushing separates.
I left this comment on Alan Weber’s blog. Here is what he said about pull vs. push.
“Learn to connect. Then you can pull. Relevance & Sincerity
Don’t push. The benefits, if any, are almost always short term.”
“Pull, don’t push–wise words. I’ve always found that people who are able to use the power of attraction are much more effective as leaders than people who attempt to create influence through the exercise of raw power. Interestingly, it also works as a product and marketing strategy–push marketing has become less reliable and more expensive, and pull-related campaigns bring people together and generate much greater customer loyalty. Thanks for weighing in with your Rule #53!